Friday, August 5, 2011

Lemon (Citrus Limonum)

The smell from fresh juiced lemons is amazing!! When I discovered that I had a juicer attachment for my mixing machine, I was ecstatic! Here it'd been squirreled away with all my other kitchen gadgets, gathering dust. But when we moved to Arizona, juicing fresh citrus was the THING!!! I love getting fresh lemons from my mother-in-law's tree, from neighbors, from anyone with surplus lemons! Then I juice them and freeze the surplus. My house smells wonderful at this time of year.

When lemons are too expensive, you can easily put a drop of lemon essential oil into your glass. Voila! So if your body tends to run too acid, drinking a few drops of lemon oil in water two to three times a day is a healthy practice. I regularly add lemon essential oil to my diffuser to uplift the spirit, stimulate alertness, and help cleanse the air of little no-see-'ems.

When doing the Daily Cleanse (below), you can freeze the juice for later use in ice cube trays and then pop them out and into baggies (abt 1 Tbl. each), or pour 1 c. fresh juice into a baggie, lay flat and freeze and stack. A one cup baggie can be thawed in the fridge, then portioned out for use that week.

Although lemons are acidic, they are considered to be a high alkaline food due to their alkalizing effect on the body when digested. Like all high alkaline foods, lemons leave an alkaline-ash residue after being digested. This ash residue aids in supplying the blood with more oxygen, which results in an optimally functioning body.

[Other alkalizing foods include most veggies, some fruits, some seeds, nuts, and grains, herbal tea, vegetable broth and water. ]

PS: Testing your pH: You can easily test your pH at home by purchasing small litmus-paper strips at your drug store or pharmacy.  To get the most accurate reading, expose the strip to a sample of your saliva immediately after awakening in the morning and before eating breakfast.  Colour changes on the litmus paper will determine pH; check the instructions of your kit for specific details on how to read the litmus paper.

Daily Liver Cleanse:
  • 1 Tbl. Freshly-squeezed organic lemon juice (or more if preferred)
  • 1 drop peppermint essential oil
  • 1 drop lemon essential oil
    • Combine lemon juice with oils and drink – preferably on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. [Peppermint helps drive oils into the system. An excellent digestive aid, circulation, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic so good in digestive. Lemon aids in cleansing and the juice promotes body alkalinity (pH balance). It has a tonic action on the lymphatic and stimulating on the digestive.] Do 3-4 wks, then 7 days off, to judge how you feel w/cleanse, repeat.

Lemon Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Citrus Limonum

Extraction Method: Cold Pressed
Origin: Italy
Description: GRAS- The Lemon tree was originally a small thorny evergreen tree native to India. It is now common in Southern Europe, Florida and California. The pressed peel always contains more therapeutic properties but it has a short shelf life of about three years.
Common Uses: Lemon Essential Oil has been historically recognized as a cleanser. It is reputed as being antiseptic, and as having refreshing and cooling properties. On skin and hair it can be used for its cleansing effect, as well as for treating cuts and boils. Research has also shown Lemon Essential Oil to enhance the ability to concentrate. Aids digestive problems, cleansing of the lymphatic system, mouth ulcers, herpes, stimulating to the brain, clears thought, aids concentration, fever reduction, infectious diseases, colds, throat infection, asthma, anemia, heart-burn, varicose veins, tightens blood vessels, gout, rheumatism, uterine infections and intestinal parasites. Beneficial for an air disinfectant, the immune system (may stimulate red and white blood cell formation), acne, brittle nails, boils, corns, gland stimulation and purification, warts, arthritis, cellulitis, nervous conditions, high blood pressure, nosebleeds (stops bleeding), obesity (congestion), poor circulation, rheumatism, gallstones, bronchitis, dyspepsia and flu. Also debility, anxiety, astringent, antiseptic, anti-infectious, antibacterial, blood thinner, emotional clarity, apathy, awareness, bringing joy, relieving touchiness, grudges, resentment, concentration and focus
Consistency: Thin 
Blends well with: Bergamot, Lime Orange and Mandarin.  
Aromatic Scent: Lemon Essential Oil has a strong citrus scent.
History: The fruit was well known in Europe by the middle ages, and Greeks and Romans were advocates of its therapeutic properties. Lemon essential oil reached the height of its fame when the British began using the citrus fruit to counteract the effects of scurvy. 
Responsible Cautions: Lemon Essential Oil is non-toxic, but may cause skin irritation in some. Lemon is also phototoxic and should be avoided prior to exposure to direct sunlight. Avoid during pregnancy.


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