Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tea Tree (Melaluca Alternifolia)

What an amazing essential oil!! No home should be without it! Tea Tree is known as "Medicine Chest in a Bottle'!! An epithet it well deserves.

When there's a sore throat in the house - on goes the tea tree externally on the neck along the Eustachian tubes and a "Lick Trick" on the tongue

It is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, AND anti-fungal. Not many are....

When our son came home from Brazil, he had a nasty infection on his big toes. Weeping and inflamed, with pus. He had to walk everywhere, and wear closed toe shoes. There was no time to sit and let his feet be still for long periods of time. So they were very tender. I had written to him while he was gone he should be ingesting garlic. But, he replied, they didn't have access to 'those kind of fresh foods'. He did have, he said, little old native grandmothers who kept trying to press home remedies on him. "Drink this!" they'd urge. He resisted - although I suspect they would've helped.

As soon as I could, I made tea tree capsules for him to take internally 3Xs a day (a couple drops of tea tree with olive oil in gel cap). I made enough to last for a few weeks, then stored them in the fridge. I also put tea tree, pau d'arco tincture, and an essential oil immunity blend on his feet. The tea tree went right on his big toe. I think he appreciated the ministration as much as the relief and healing.

With practice, you can start to "feel" what it is you need to reach for. I have found that to be true.

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Botanical Name: Melaleuca Alternifolia 

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled 

Origin: China 

Description: Although the Tea Tree plant is indigenous to Australia, it is grown in many parts of the world including China. The Chinese tea tree plant is a small shrub with needle-like leaves similar to that of the Australian variety. 

Common Uses: Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, anti-viral, major anti-infectious (staph and strap), bactericidal, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and insecticide. Beneficial for respiratory, ear, nose and throat infection, infectious disease such as chickenpox, healing wounds, fungal infections (athlete''s foot, candida, jock itch) and gum disease. Also rash, sunburn, digestion, diarrhea, vaginal thrush, immuno-stimulant, abscess, acne, cold sores, herpes, burns, shock, hysteria, warts, lice, tuberculosis, sinusitis, whooping cough, colds, flu, sinusitis, tissue regenerator, stimulates lymphatic circulation. It contains the compound Terpinen-4-ol which is thought to be the responsible for fighting all three categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses). 

Consistency: Thin 

Blends well with: Cinnamon, Clary sage, Clove, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Rosewood, Rosemary and Thyme. 

Aromatic Scent: Tee Tree Essential Oil has a fresh, camphoraceous odor. 

History: Historically, the leaves were used as a substitute for tea, which is how tea tree oil got its name. It was first used by the aboriginals in Australia to treat cuts, burns and any type of infection. It has since become a very popular oil and is used world wide. 

Responsible Cautions: Tea Tree Essential Oil may cause dermal sensitization in some people.