Monday, October 22, 2012

Scents of the Season: Our Healing Traditions

Dear Friends,
Explore the history and traditions of Christmas through the medium of its spicy, citrusy, foresty, and richly healing essential oils!

You’re probably wondering, “What does Christmas have to do with essential oils?” Have you ever wondered why the Wise Men choose to give Frankincense and Myrrh? Once rare and very expensive, they both are still used and have many benefits today.

Real Pine boughs were brought into homes historically to lift spirits in the winter months. In an essential oil, Pine is easily used to help against colds and flu, relieves stress, and is energizing.

It wouldn't be the holidays without Cinnamon! One of several coveted and costly spices, wars were waged over centuries, new lands discovered, and the earth was circled – all in the quest of these amazing spices.

Join me, Julia Frost, for our Wellness Wednesday and explore the historical and therapeutic backdrop of our "scent-sational" Christmas holiday!

Scents of the Season: Our Healing Traditions
in Essential Oils

Wednesday, November 14, 7:00-9:00 pm at the Herb Shop /
$35 includes booklet and make-it-take-it
[Register by November 7th and recieve $5 off]
RSVP at or call/text 480-840-4783

header, pine bough.gif

SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place, 148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480-694-9931
Essential Oils can be used safely and effectively. Coming from the original nature's pharmacy they relieve pain, aid healing, and calm and soothe.
Come enjoy learning more about these precious gifts of nature. See you soon!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Digestive System and Essential Oils

Dear Friends~
Fall has arrived and some of the most celebrated holidays are approaching! And sometimes, we push our bodies out of balance and aggravate our digestive system with stresses, excess, and seasonal conditions.

Essential oils can be used therapeutically to treat a large number of digestive disorders. Digestive disorders affect the stomach, intestines, bowels and the mouth. It is important to understand which essential oils are used to treat digestive disorders and how to use them.

Join me, Julia Frost, for our Wellness Wednesday with Essential Oils as we learn about:

The Digestive System and Essential Oils

*Wednesday, October 17, 7:00 pm at the Herb Shop;
RSVP at or call/text 480-840-4783
SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place, 148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480-694-9931
Weds: October 17th ~  7:00-8:30 pm / $25
Essential Oils can be used safely and effectively. Coming from the original nature's pharmacy they relieve pain, aide healing, calm and soothe.
Come enjoy learning more about these precious gifts of nature. See you soon!
For your best health and wellness,
Julia Frost, CH Aromatherapy
Frequency Natural Health

Future classes:
Scents of the Season: Our Healing Traditions found in Essential Oils (November 14th – including make-it/take-it) $35
Treating Pain with Essential Oils
Spa-cific De-stress
Spring Cleaning in the Desert
and more!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Using Essential Oils with Children

Hello, Friends! Once again we get to play with essential oils.
With the lazy days of summer at an end, children are returning to their busy routines of school, friends, and extra curricular activities. Back at school, children are confined to classrooms full of other kids, which can lead to stress and susceptibility to colds and flu, even more scrapes on the playground. Essential oils can help children through these busy times.

AND! ~ we will cover how placement of certain colors in your home can help with learning and/or calming. Conversely, colors can be distracting, and make us hungry. Did you know that essential oils have an affinity with colors? Coupled together, they are a wonderful tool in your toolbox!

Everything in class can also be applied to adults and seniors. We will go over applications methods, dilution ratios and the most common oils used with children.

Join me,
Julia Frost, for our Wellness Wednesday with Essential Oils:
Using Essential Oils with Children
[Bonus info on using colors in our environment]

Wednesday, Sept. 19th, 7:00 pm at the Herb Shop;
RSVP at or call/text 480-840-4783
SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place, 148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480-694-9931
    Weds: September 19th~  Using Essential Oils with Children / 7:00-8:30 pm / $25
Essential Oils on children and infants can be used safely and effectively. Coming from the original nature's pharmacy they relieve pain, aide healing, and calm and soothe. Give basic aid and care yourself;  keep those doctor visits to a minimum!
Come enjoy learning more about these precious gifts of nature.

See you soon!

For your best health and wellness,
Julia Frost, CH Aromatherapy

Frequency Natural Health

Future classes:
The Digestive System and Essential Oils (October – at advent of holiday feasting!)
Scents of the Season: Our Healing Traditions found in Essential Oils (November – w/a make-it/take-it)
Treating Pain with Essential Oils (January)
Spa-cific De-stress (February)
Spring Cleaning in the Desert (March – with a make-it/take-it project)
and more to come!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Quantum Therapies, Muscle Testing, and Essential Oils

Hello, Friends!
In June, we will be exploring the subtle bio-energy that flows through our bodies. All organic life emanates energy, and it's unhindered flow through our systems is one part of how how our body keeps running! This energy is expressed as an electromagnetic vibrational frequency – and pure essential oils have the highest frequencies of any measured natural substance.

Join me, Julia Frost, for our Wellness Wednesday with Essential Oils:
Introduction to Quantum Therapies
Using Essential Oils

Wednesday, June 13th, 7:00 pm at the Herb Shop; RSVP at or call/text 480-840-4783
  • SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place, 148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201, 480-694-9931

    Weds: June 13th~ Intro to Quantum Therapies Using Essential Oils  / 7:00-8:30 pm / $25
Energy is in, through, and all around us! Introducing basic energy healing modalities and also teaching you how to muscle test and why it is useful. Learn about essential oils and their higher frequencies, which aid in health and wellness, both physically and emotionally.

Come enjoy learning more about these precious gifts. Share this with a friend!
I hope to hear from you and see you soon!
For your best health and wellness,
Julia Frost, CH Aromatherapy
Frequency Natural Health
No class in July, August.
Aaah! Summer in the desert! Monsoon season! Prickly pear fruit harvesting....
Future classes:
Using Essential Oils with Children (September – start of school year)
The Digestive System and Essential Oils (October – at advent of holiday feasting!)
Scents of the Season: Our Healing Traditions through Essential Oils (November – with a make-it/take-it project)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Medicine's Secret Weapon: Laughter

The old adage Laughter is the best Medicine is truer than true. Who doesn't love a good laugh??!!

I love listening to the children laugh together at the kitchen table when they're playing a board game. I love hearing the great belly laughs coming from my aunts and uncles at a family reunion over shared old stories or new. And I love listening to my mother laugh, especially when she has to walk away from the phone to catch her breath. My children love watching Poppa turn three shades of red or even purple when something has just hit his funny bone so it is beyond tears!!! It's like they are amazed they said something so profound to have actually left their father in stitches!

Evidence shows that, aside from making you feel good at the moment, laughter also has surprising long-term health benefits. Who doesn't like being supported by science with something you were doing anyway!

Health Benefits of Laughing

In the book Anatomy of an Illness, author Norman Cousins discusses his diagnosis of a crippling and irreversible spine disease. With the help of his physician, however, Cousins beat the odds by using his own healing powers, which included laughter. He watched Marx Brothers comedies and enjoyed entire pain-free intervals that came as a result of indulging in sheer amusement. In this way, he mobilized his body’s natural resources to prove what an effective healing tool the mind can be.
Laughing has the ability to simply help you feel good. A good roar relieves physical tension and relaxes muscles for up to 45 minutes. It triggers a rush of those all-important endorphins that follow a good workout. This explain why people love to attend parties. Such occasions are especially enjoyable once someone starts telling jokes.
Here are few more benefits of laughing:
  • Lowers blood pressure, thereby protecting the heart.
  • Increases vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood.
  • Gives a workout to the diaphragm and to the abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles. It contracts the abs and even works out the shoulders, leaving muscles more relaxed afterward. It even provides a good workout for the heart.
  • Reduces certain stress hormones, including cortisol, epinephrine (adrenaline), dopamine and growth hormone. It also increases the level of health-enhancing hormones like endorphins and neurotransmitters.
  • Increases the response and effectiveness of anti-body producing cells and such tumor- and disease-killing cells such as Gamma-interferon and T-cells, thus keeping the immune system humming.
  • Defends against respiratory infections-even reducing the frequency of colds by increasing immunoglobulin in saliva.
  • Increases memory and learning, as demonstrated by a study from Johns Hopkins University Medical School; humor during instruction was shown to increase test scores.
  • Improves alertness, memory and creativity.
  • Laughter brings the focus away from anger, guilt, stress and negative emotions in a more beneficial way than other mere distractions.
  • Humor can give us a more lighthearted perspective and help us view events as 'challenges', thereby making them less threatening and more positive. 
  • Laughter provides a physical and emotional release.

Studying Laughter

According to William Fry, M.D., of Stanford University, humor and creativity work in similar ways by creating relationships between two disconnected items. The whole brain is thus engaged, which is a process that occurs quickly. Less than a half-second after exposure to something funny, electrical waves move through the higher brain functions of the cerebral cortex. The left hemisphere analyzes the words and structures of the joke, while the right hemisphere “gets” the joke. Similarly, the visual sensory area of the occipital lobe creates images; the limbic (emotional) system makes you happier; and the motor sections make you smile or laugh.

A Little Advice

If care is pressing you down a bit, and you’ve found yourself struggling to find humor in everyday life, the first place to start is with smiling. Pioneers in “laugh therapy” even find it’s possible to laugh without experiencing a funny event, and the same is true of smiling. When you see someone or something even mildly pleasing, practice smiling.

Or try counting your blessings. Considering the good things in your life will distance you from negative thoughts that are barriers to humor and laughter. When you hear laughter, move toward it. Sometimes humor is a private thing, but more often people are happy to share something funny because it gives them the opportunity to laugh again and feed off the humor you find in it.

Spend time with fun. Hang around playful people who laugh easily at both themselves and life’s absurdities. Their playful points of view and laughter will be contagious. Watch a truly funny movie! There's no shortage of laughter opportunities from entertainment.

Laughter connects us with others. Just as with smiling and kindness, most people find that laughter is contagious, so if you bring more laughter into your life, you can most likely help others around you to laugh more, and realize these benefits as well. By elevating the mood of those around you, you can reduce their stress levels, and perhaps improve the quality of social interaction you experience with them, reducing your stress level even more! 

For me, I'll just go visit with my kids....

Thursday, May 3, 2012

May is coming in a little cooler after that hot 'splat' the end of April ~ and we welcome all those plants in abundant bloom! My desert willow is opening up, which will make the hummingbird who's been checking it out for days more happy!

If you're like me, you are outside puttering in the yard, going for walks, or generally enjoying nature. Which means – there's more occasion to have bumps and scraps and ouchies.

Join me for our Wellness Wednesday with Essential Oils:
Creating Your First Aid Kit 
with Essential Oils

*Wednesday, May 9th, 7:00 pm at the Herb Shop
RSVP at or call/text 480-840-4783

SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place
148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201

Weds: May 9th~ Creating Your First Aid Kit  with Essential Oils
7:00-8:30 pm / $25
This is an “essential” class ~ giving information on essential oils and how you can assemble your own basic care kit (with 10 suggested basic oils)  to care for you and your family. Many formulas and protocols for various home ailments, injuries, and sicknesses will be shared.

Come enjoy learning more about these precious gifts.
I hope to hear from you and see you soon!
For your best health and wellness,
Julia Frost, CH Aromatherapy

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wellness Wednesday in April

We had a wonderful group at our March Wellness Class, where we explored non-toxic alternatives for everyday cleaning, including use of essential oils. Everyone went home with the know-how to cleaning chemical free; including dealing with seasonal allergies using all natural ingredients. We even made some home-made laundry soap! We laughed and shared stories. It was great! Looking forward to another great class in April. 

Wellness Wednesdays with Essential Oils
At SWHerb Shop this Spring!

Each month we will explore the health benefits of Essential Oils.
                                        *Safe and effective                *Relieves pain
                                        *Aides healing                       *Calms and soothes
*From Nature's pharmacy

Wednesday, April 11: 7:00-9:00 pm / $20
Wellness Wednesday w/ Essential Oils: "A Gift of the Earth: Our Healing Trees”. 
There are many essential oils that come specifically from the leaves, stems, bark, flowers, and fruit of various trees, which have amazing health and wellness benefits for us. We will also note some of the trees of the desert southwest and their native and traditional uses. 
April = Earth Day, Arbor Day

Blue Mist from Eucalyptus Trees

Look for more Wellness Wednesday topics to come!
Essential Oils with Children
Creating Your First Aid Kit with Essential Oils
Various Body Systems care using Essential Oils (multiple classes)
Scents of the Season – Our Healing Holidays

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Spa-cific De-Stress

Wellness Wednesdays with Essential Oils
Coming to SWHerb Shop this Spring!

Each month we will explore the health benefits of Essential Oils.
*Safe and effective 
*Relieves pain
*Aides healing 
*Calms and Soothes
*From Nature's pharmacy

Wednesday, February 8: 7:00-9:00 pm / $35 includes take-home project.
Wellness Wednesday w/ Essential Oils: "Spa-cific De-stress"

Pamper, destress, and rejuvenate yourself or someone special! Stress can be a serious health hazard that affects both mental and physical well being.  We will explore easy things you can do at home, including some ideas for Spa related pampering. Enjoy some time out before Valentine's Day!!
Instructor: Julia Frost, CH, Aromatherapy
Julia has been with SWHerb for over 4 years. Her search for answers
to her own family's health challenges led her to study herbalism and essential oils. With these synergistic tools, she has found them to generate health, wellness, and wholeness. 
SWHerb Shop and Gathering Place
148 N. Center Street, Mesa, AZ 85201
Call SW Herb 480-694-9931 to register

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mental Health Aide from Nature

I have known people who have suffered with mental health illness for years. It seems that every family is touched by it to some degree, from light depression to severe.  Science coupled with plain, ole practicality seems to win out over just science every time. Why don't we get it?

This link of an excerpt of the DVD was sent to me by an acquaintance. Think what is it about the B-vitamin niacin that makes this solution possible. And just niacin!!!

I typed the below out, listening to the piece......

To watch the full length film please visit:

 [BTW - if you are interested in purchasing this video - go to Amazon. It's cheaper.]
[transcript of excerpt above]

I worked with a lady once who was suicidally depressed. She lived at home with her family. She was in her 50s. And she spent all day sitting in a corner, faced the corner. She wouldn't talk to anyone; she wouldn't eat with anyone; she was totally uncommunicative. She was under the care of a psychiatrist, of course; as she should be. And the psychiatrist had her on a variety of medications, which you would expect. The family was wondering about nutrition.”

Gentleman mentioned Dr. Hoffer's (?) work with Niacin – “and they wondered how much she needed to take.... this person was very seriously ill. And I mentioned that Dr. Hoffer normally gave about 3000 mg a day of Niacin, but some people need a lot more, especially very sick people. And they should give her as much as it takes to make her better.”

At 11,500 mg of Niacin a day, she was sitting at the table and talking to them like nothing had happened. So they went to the psychiatrist, showed the psychiatrist this recovered person, and [he] said, well, I don't think you should take all that Niacin. It might be harmful.”

So they stopped giving her the Niacin. And she was back in the corner.”

Safety with Niacin? There's not one death from Niacin per year on average. There's been one or two attributed over the last 15 or 20 years. But there's not even one death per year from Niacin.”

And how many people that are suicidally depressed actually go and end their lives?”