Monday, November 18, 2013

Peppermint Lane Boutique in Three Weeks

Successfully finished work at the Sugarplums Boutique this past weekend. Met many new friends and shared new information. Looking forward to connecting with all of you who stopped to ask questions! It was fun to hear your stories and how you already were using essential oils.  

Next up -- I will be at the Peppermint Lane Boutique in three weeks.

Holiday shopping seems to be in full swing, so look for some healthful, healing gifts this holiday season! I will post some gift ideas in the time to come.

For your health and wellness!


If you have any questions, please contact me at 

Monday, July 15, 2013

After a hiatus I am back in the saddle and again promoting the wonderful healing benefits of herbs and essential oils.

This past week I met with a young mother with whom I spoke about what were essential oils, how could they help, and in particular how they could help her with her hypothyroid issue.

First off, perhaps be more particular about how often she lets herself drink soft drinks. The carbonization is actually dehydrating on the body, when commercials would have you believe they will quench your thirst!

I will post shortly some of the helpful hints I gave her about the thyroid.

Hope you are having a marvelous summer!
Frequency Natural Health